Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Baucher Bit
Product Description
Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge Baucher Bit
Neue Schule offers an exciting and innovative range of high performance, superior comfort bits for all equines, covering all disciplines at every level from pleasure to Grand Prix. This is accomplished through bits that are ergonomically designed, using the latest in engineering and computer aided design (CAD) technologies. In addition, the Neue Schule line incorporates a unique, sweeter, warmer metal. Neue Schule Salox gold has a high copper content and Neue Schule additives that maximize the warm and oxidation promoting salivation, mouthing, acceptance and communication.
Does your horse hollow and poke his nose? This will help obtain a rounder outline. If your horse is constantly resisting and coming above the bit the action of the Neue Schule Baucher shows him the way down by employing mild poll pressure. Simultaneously the mouthpiece lifts up within the mouth taking pressure off the tongue and bars. In essence the head lowering aids are clear and this action combined with the Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge have made the mouthpiece so comfortable that once achieved, a more consistent contact can be encouraged. The 16 mm is a comfortable thickness for young horses, whilst the 14 mm offers extra lift from the shoulder and takes up less room in the mouth.
Available in 5"-6" in 14mm or 16mm thickness.