30 Years and Counting...
All success stories start with a dream, and Devon-Aire is no different, although Devon Aire's beginnings were almost accidental in nature. Some thirty years ago there was a young girl who loved horses and riding, but had a hard time finding riding clothes to fit her thin frame. It just so happened that her grandmother was a seamstress for Geoffrey Beene in New York City, so naturally Grandma made her a pair of riding breeches and the rest, as they say, is history. A steady request for these breeches for friends of this young rider soon led to the birth of America's favorite brand of English riding apparel.
To this day Devon-Aire remains true to the philosophy on which it was founded: high-quality riding clothes and footwear that are affordable on a family budget. In fact, family is central to everything Devon-Aire stands for - in an era of big business impersonality, Devon-Aire is still family owned and operated, with family members pitching in for everything from product development, design, production and distribution.