Peter Menet, designer of Amerigo saddles, has created a legendary following among top riders for his application of equine biomechanics to saddle design. Made in Italy with the finest craftsmanship, attention to detail, and independent Swiss style panels, Amerigo Vega saddles are designed to sit the rider's weight slightly more forward, over the strongest part of the horse's back. This takes pressure off the sensitive are of the back, allowing the hind legs to swing under, and encouraging the horse's back to lift without interference from the saddle.
Amerigo saddle panels are filled with a synthetic wool mixture, which is hard wearing, hygienic and low maintenance. The wool reacts to heat and when used adapts itself easily to the shape of the horse and provides a glove like fit.

All Amerigo saddles are made with wooden spring trees. The Amerigo Vega line of saddles is made using their own specially created synthetic tree incorporating a tempered steel head iron.
Serial Numbers: Each saddle can be identified by its own personal serial number which is engraved into the leather on the underside of the sweat flap. This number can be registered on www.amerigo-saddles.com website.
Saddle Fitting: Saddle fitting is very complex and should always be carried out by a knowledgeable and trained fitter. The tips below can be used as a short guide to establish if a check could be necessary.
The saddle should sit level on the horses' back and the panels should sit evenly without bridging. Saddles that tip forward or tilt backwards when placed on the horse indicate that the fit needs to be checked. Wool flocked panels should be equally stuffed (no lumps or dips) and not too hard.
There should be adequate clearance in the wither area.
The gullet should be a minimum of 8cms wide and the same width from pommel to cantle.